Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our Big Bear.

Well, for those of you who don't know, Race LOVES scouts. He loves the program. It is laid out for him in a book, and all he has to do is the requirements set on the pages before him (which are mostly super fun, boy stuff), and check them off. He's all about checking stuff off. I think that's one of the reasons he loves Tae Kwon Do so much as well. He can visually see the goals, and works to accomplish it.

It's that simple.

Well Race has had a lot of fun with scouts lately.

  • He earned his Bear in December, and can't wait for two more weeks when he can start WEBELOS!

  • He and Daddy made a super cool looking car for the Pine Wood Derby. (It turned out it wasn't as fast as his last year's bat car, but he didn't care. He wanted a flame car and named it, Supernova. I love my little smarty pants!

  • He and I also made this cake for the auction at the Blue and Gold Banquet last week. And it sold for $140! I'm super proud!

The Cub Scout Program is so great. It builds character for boys today who don't get opportunities to do out-doorsie stuff anymore.

We can't wait for July when Witt will join us as a Wolf! He's already quite the little scout, and was thrilled to find out that one of his heroes Bear Grills was also a Boy Scout. :) He cracks me up.

The roots of scouting run deep for our family. I am so grateful that my boys are excited to carry on the traditions of it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Witt's New Project

Witt told me the other day that when he grew up, he was going to be an engineer on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, a mechanic on Thursdays and Fridays, and mow lawns on Saturdays. So, you can imagine his excitement when our neighbor, Jim, gave Witt his old, broken mower...

And now Witt and John are being kept very busy on their new project.

Lake Pleasant...the Arizona one.

Well, we have lived in the Verde Valley for almost 12 years. And we have driven the interstate to Phoenix probably a hundred times in those years. And we have never seen Lake Pleasant.

So, we went.

And we loved it.

The water was so clear, and there were rocks everywhere to throw. And we could throw them all we wanted and not have to worry about hitting anyone other than ourselves... that's what happens when you go to the lake on a Tuesday in February.

Arizona Temples

Today was the dedication of the Gilbert Temple. It was beautiful and so special since Race got to go with us this time. This is the first time since Race has been eight and baptized that a temple has been dedicated in Arizona.

When we were down at the Tae Kwon Do State Tournament, we were right down the road from the Gilbert Temple, so we visited afterward. It is such an amazing building. The architecture is incredible.

Every time we go to the valley, we stop by the Phoenix Temple being built to check on its progress. It will be done this fall. We are so excited for this temple because this will be OUR temple. It will be the closest one to us, only an hour away! What a blessing.

But really, this one will always be OUR temple.
 The Mesa Temple.
 John and I were sealed on March 9, 2001.
 Yep, next week will be 13 years.
Just crazy.

Thirteen Years...

I love the Temple.
I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I know because of the Temple, I can be with my family forever.
There is nothing I want more.

Butterfly Wonderland

We took a trip down to the valley with the Bryants for a field trip to Butterfly Wonderland. What a great place, and we learned so much!

Race, Witt, Gunner, Easton, Porter, and Lane

The butterflies would land anywhere. It was fascinating.

These two goof-balls wouldn't give me a nice smile. :)

Witt took these next two pictures. Didn't he do great? 

There were so many great things about this place. It was fascinating to learn about the miraculous migration of the monarch. I had no idea it was such an amazing thing! Visiting here was a reminder to the boys and I of Heavenly Father's amazing creations, and the miracles in nature He gives us to observe every day.